Collection Subject ID Image ID
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc008_ch002_CD163
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc008_ch003_Ki67
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc008_ch004_CD19
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc009_ch004_CD4
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc010_ch002_CD38
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc010_ch003_CD279
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc010_ch004_CD11c
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc011_ch002_CD8
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc011_ch003_CD11b
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc011_ch004_CD16
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc012_ch002_FoxP3
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc012_ch003_CD69
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc013_ch002_CD15
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc013_ch003_HNFalpha
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc014_ch002_pancyto
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc014_ch003_HLADR
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc014_ch004_CD45RA
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc015_ch004_aSMA
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc016_ch002_CD66b
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc018_ch002_CD68
CODEX imaging of HCC spleen reg001_cyc019_ch002_EPCAM